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Reusch Attrakt Infinity NC Jr 54 72 725 2211 Goalkeeper Gloves

Numri i produktit: BSW-200042543.1




Brendi Reusch

47 00

Përfshinë TVSH 18%

58,00 €
Ju kurseni: 11,00 €

19 %

Paguaj deri në 12 këste, pa kamatë: 3,92 € /muaj
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Informacioni i produktit
These goalkeeper gloves from Reusch are designed for juniors participating in the sport of football, specifically as goalkeepers. Made from high-quality materials, these gloves feature foam padding to soften impacts and improve grip. They are secured with a Velcro fastening at the wrist and come in a unique orange and black color scheme.
Gjinia: Fëmijë
Lloji i produktit: Glove
Ngjyra: E zezë - portokalli
Sporti: Futboll